I am currently reading the book "No Bull: The Mad Cowboy Targets America's Worst Enemy: Our Diet." Here is the link: http://www.amazon.com/No-More-Bull-Targets-Americas/dp/0743286987/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1218468741&sr=8-1. This book is very interesting. This previous cattle rancher is now a vegan and he speaks persuasively and passionately - it could move anyone to action!
One great idea that I should take to heart is this: he advocates eating not 5-6, but 15 or 20, fresh fruits and veggies every day. In his menu section, how he accomplishes this is usually to pile fruit on cereal in the morning (lots of fruit!), having a huge salad with perhaps a sandwich on whole grain bread for lunch and having a terrific veggie soup for dinner and fruit for dessert. I like his menu selections in the book. He has suggestions for two weeks worth and they sound easy and tasty!
He also advocates eating fresh fruit and veggies for about 50% of the diet. I've got to learn that! I have linked the title of this entry to an Amazon.com address, in case you are interested in checking out the book.
Lately I traveled to the Pittsburgh area, and I purchased great vegan food at Maggie's Merchantile. I got such yummy food there both ways, traveling back and forth on the PA Turnpike. Yea for Maggie's! Such nice people working there too! Here is a link to the vegan deli: http://www.maggiesmercantilepa.com/index.html
Life is good! It is such a joy to be committed to this lifestyle! I put two bumper stickers on my refrigerator: "Please be Kind to Animals: Don't Eat Them" and "Veg For Life: For Health, For the Animals, For the Earth." The first bumper sticker is from the Vegetarian Resource Group http://www.vrg.org/ and the second is from www.vegforlife.org.
Until next time my dear friends, Bonnie
Recalled to Life
4 weeks ago
I have been a vegetarian for over 19 years... and last year I read Lymans's first book. I have been vegan ever since! It scared the heck out of me!
Wow, that is quite a reaction to the book! There are so many books that are life-changing. I thought Diet for a New America was one. For some, Skinny Bitch does the trick!
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