Maria Rose wrote in her interesting blog, "Little Things are Big"
what she really needs in life. Her needs listed in the December 12 post are:
1. Food, water shelter
2. Healthy relationships
3. Creative output
Nothing else! How about that! Now I would totally agree with that - but I think meaningful work would have to be added to my list. However, you might say that meaningful work and creative output are the same thing. In that case, creative output would absolutely suffice!
All of this simplifying and organizing I am doing lately would also fall into the creative output category. It's not exactly fun work, (and not exactly creative) but will be so satisfying and such a joy when it it done.
Of course, under the food, water and shelter category, "healthy" could also be included as a good descriptor.
Then again, I would want to add art, books, poetry and beautiful visual aesthetics. Oh dear, my needs are not that simple.
Enjoy the day dear friends, and some simple, delicious vegan food!
Recalled to Life
4 weeks ago