Here's the thing: Most people eat because things taste good. But what about this: What about eating because it's good for your health? Take flax seeds for example. They're not really that good! But boy, are they good for you!
Here's a way to eat crushed flax seeds: Buy a container of already crushed flax seeds and store them in the freezer. When you pour your cereal in the morning, put a tablespoon of the flax seed on one tiny corner of the bowl. Now when you eat your cereal, eat the flax seeds with a bit of cereal first. Then you can eat the rest of your cereal, without the seed. After doing this for a while, you will begin to like flax seeds better.
For soy milk, I prefer the unsweetened. Start by only moistening your cereal in the morning. Don't pour a lot on at first. Later, as you get accustomed to the taste, pour more soymilk on. When I first started doing this I didn't like the flavor compared to milk. Now I can drink the remaining soy milk left in the bowl. My next challenge, down the road, will be to drink a whole carton of soy milk. I know a colleague who took little boxes with her in hotels when at library conferences. I've got to get to that point, because it is on-the-go protein.
We are all on a road -- best wishes to you who are on that vegan road. Until next time, Bonnie
Recalled to Life
4 weeks ago