Sunday, January 3, 2010

Need to Interview Fellow Vegan Baby Boomers

Are you a baby boomer (born between 1944 and 1964)? Did you become a vegan during middle age? If so, I would like to interview you for a book I am writing on the subject of Baby Boomers who are vegams. Would you consider being interviewed for the book?

The book will feature success stories and a photo of each vegan Baby Boomer. The purpose of the book is to provide inspiration and to encourage other middle aged foks like us to join the lifestyle.

I would appreciate hearing from any volunteers who might be willing to answer my interview questions. Please write to me at if you are interested.

With my sincere thanks, Bonnie Young


Janet said...

I'm not in the right age group for your interview, but I just wanted to wish you luck on your book.

youngbon said...

Thank you, Janet! The goal of the book is to encourage and to persuade other baby boomers to try veganism. If you know of anyone, please let them know that I would like to interview them.

I sincerely thank you for your best wishes, Bonnie

Beth said...

Newly vegan (4 months) and definitely a boomer. Read The China Study and made the switch. Interested in reading your book, and definitely looking for simple, budget-friendly recipes!

youngbon said...

Hi Beth! If you would like to be interviwed for the book, please send me a message at I would love to interview you! Best wishes, Bonnie

Anonymous said...

Yes! I was born in 1963. And I have a friend, Lydia, who is a vegan and much my age. You are welcome to interview me. My name is Angela Tuson and I live on the East Coast of South Africa.

Susan said...

51 yrs old, vegetarian for 12 yrs & vegan for 2 yrs ! All came about with my love for "food" animals. We run a farm animal sanctuary in Ontario Canada.

youngbon said...

Hi Susan! If you want to answer interview questions for my book, just send me an email at Best wishes!

youngbon said...

Angela and Lydia, for interview questions, please email me at I would love to add your stories to my book.